This has been a vast month of HOLDING HIGHER TIMELINES IN PLACE until we could complete the INTEGRATION of these new codes/encodements, which is signified by StarGates activating to synchronize and shift all to a higher timeline. It's been a month of immense focus of our own Energy on what we came here to accomplish, what we agreed to, before ever incarnating/walking into our physical forms. This goes so far BEYOND what is visible physically and what our unconscious limited human minds can comprehend. It takes fully expanding our consciousness into INFINITE dimensions/timelines/realities and holding this expansion, all of the time, to intentionally break the old programming as it presents. The amount of ENERGY it takes for intentional Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers to STABILIZE these frequencies is immense. As human realities spin out of control, to create chaos to awaken those deep beneath the veils of amnesia still, to open hearts and minds for unification to occur, to dissolve the separation, duality and structures of realities not aligned on a SOUL Level, we hold a RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN the highest everything, while each "the center of their own play", plays old unconscious realities/timelines out, until all of that ENERGY IS GONE.... 

Still so many with one foot in each world, trying to hold the old together, "thinking" they are conscious and not realizing that they are still holding matrix programming inside their physical bodies still. Still so many unaware of what full SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS is, because they are still caught up in "stories"... which lends to their own programs and maintains a "victim mentality" still. This ENERGY, these STRUCTURES... are all within... The outside is the mirror/the reflection, to show each what is still held and where SEPARATION FROM SELF AS SOURCE/CREATOR is still held. I call these "human aspects", because the ego is still in control. The moment of incarnation into a human form, ego duality became a reality to enact each's human experience/experiment here. This process continues until it's time for each to awaken from the old illusory dream to enter a different dream state. Lower frequency bandwidth realities/dreams will play out as metaphoric, energetic, emotional, thought or experiential hell or nightmares until these are resolved by each. 

This DIVISION OF TIMELINES means that each must fully CHOOSE and any hesitation, any excuse, any fears, any blame, any victim mentalities, any inability to connect fully from inside, will "play out" in the physical reality to RESOLVE all of this.... Each's NEW Earth Existence is not a given, if you will, it's a dedicated choice of service, yet not as human aspects would understand/see this, as none of this conforms to human mentalities of what REALities are.... 

Ascension Timelines now expedite, appear to SPEED UP, which is the appearance of "fast", when in essence "Time & Speed" are ENERGETICS on a Quantum Level, no longer linear like "before". TimeLines are Realities believed by way of the ENERGY HELD and as VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES RISE SUBSTANTIALLY, then those timelines are no longer true or real anymore. This is just one small way that realities do/do not exist. The CONSTRUCTS OF REALITIES on NEW Earth are polar opposites of Old Earth and the Transition Process from Old Earth to NEW, means an entire re-structuring process must occur. This RE-STRUCTURING PROCESS is a RE-ALIGNMENT of all realities from "outside" to "in" and then "outward" through Mastering the Physical from within. It is a transition from placing focus on the physical first to placing focus on the ENERGY THAT CREATES/HOLDS all in place.... as PHYSICAL/SOLID MATTER REALITIES are different on each Dimensional Plane and what all are experiencing is the PHYSICAL RE-FORMATION from old 3D Consciousness & 4D Consciousness to 5D+ Consciousness .... 

Human aspects do not understand Dimensions or How Physical Realities take form in response to them. They do not understand (or want to hear/see/know), therefore they turn a blind eye to their own PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY in EVERY situation that occurs, because this was the "easy way" before.... These Vibrations are shifting this, for it will not be the easy way to ignore/pretend/try to hold onto the "old safe matrix" anymore..... The Safety in Unconsciousness/Ignorance is gone. The "backlash" is faster, which is not a backlash, it's a RESPONSIVE REALITY of a LIVING EARTH-COSMOS THAT RETURNS TO EACH AN EXPERIENCE of what is still held inside..... faster = vibrations.... slower = vibrations..... Each must open up to TRULY WANT TO KNOW and CHOOSE to honor highest alignment over what their ego/human aspect wants..... 

Earth Gaia & Our Divine Cosmos "spoke" 2 years ago that the Human Experiment had concluded, yet each still existing in those dimensions/timelines were unaware. As Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers we bring forth the information to assist each with stepping into their own POWER and RETURNING TO UNITY/LOVE/PEACE again, yet it's up to each to CHOOSE TO APPLY this UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE to how they live their lives, how they conduct themselves, how they treat themselves and others, how they show up each day, what they transmit out, what programs they continue to allow to RUN in their own reality... There is no need to impose or force anything, as "collapsing timelines" will do this for each, according to their own SOUL's chosen experience for their human here. 

There is much to share, yet way too much to type here and it takes much ENERGY ON OUR PART TO HOLD THESE HIGHEST TIMELINES AMIDST the energetic confusion that can "pull" one into an unconscious state where full balance through expansion has not yet been achieved from within. Distortions are at an all-time-high to exacerbate separation so that it can be dissolved/dissipated "faster".... with the amount of strength/force necessary to break through those old structures/programs held so strongly by the unconscious human aspect gripping Old Earth Realities with every bit of might, still trying to hang on out of illusory fear/perceptions that kept creating those old realities that are obsolete, yet limited/no access before meant there was also no awareness...

These increasing SOULar Flares & CME's have many purposes, the Weather and Land Re-structuring, all a part of "this". Unconscious humans will blame these things on others (not saying much is not true, yet in that dimensional timeline only), as there is another dimension/timeline where the truth is very different and it does not feed a victim mentality, yet human aspects do not want to hear these as truth, for it would mean stepping up and into their POWER, which they fear more than giving their power away and blaming everything outside for why their realities are as they are....

It isn't until reality is "threatened" or things are "lost" or change is "forced" upon the human aspect that it gets their attention, activates their desire to get involved, breaks the hold that fear and blame programs have for a different reality to be IMPORTANT ENOUGH to actually DO something... yet what each is to DO is going to be different, dependent on the PHASE OF AWAKENING one is in. Each phase has a different RESPONSE and ACTION and the more fear there is, the more out of alignment (on a soul level, not human), the more each must DO to align their own reality fully with HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS and this will not fit into the linear boxes/mindsets of what is typical, reasonable or even acceptable to the human aspect that holds fixed mentalities and judgments still. 

This GRAND AWAKENING is not NEW.... it's just the next phase of what has been occurring, and we have new phases coming in again. Those who live an UNIFIED EXISTENCE are experiencing REALITY very different than those who are just now awakening to corruption/prison programs of the old matrix... 

It serves no purpose for each to re-enter the dimensions/timelines of UNCONSCIOUSNESS to play in the old unconscious realities again. This will anger those who love putting responsibility for their own realities on others... which is a part of the dissolution of separation/ego existence. Those who have TRANSCENDED DUALISTIC REALITIES won't entertain this anymore and the HOLD THAT UNCONSCIOUS PROGRAMS HAD is no longer.... 

WE did not come here to continue playing in the old, to keep allowing it to continue... we came here to STOP UNCONSCIOUSNESS in it's tracks and take the POWER AWAY by saying "no more" and shifting ourselves to a completely different timeline... which can be done INSTANTLY through QUANTUM EXISTENCE, because we don't hold the linear constructs anymore. This is a VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE now... and we recognize the VIBRATION & ENERGY PRESENT and we choose, shift, align realities ourselves.... letting each "go play" their timelines out however/wherever they need to, it just won't be in our realities.... anymore. 

Our RESPONSIBILITY is to hold these highest timelines from within, to integrate the new codes into our physical body templates and HOLD all in place. This is an immense undertaking, as we have to "go against" everything unconscious to do this and in a REALITY of wavering flux and chaos, we are the balance, we are the peace, we are the love and we are the "NO" that is required when others hold duality within themselves still. 

We did not come here to win a POpuLARITY contest or prove anything to anyone. We did not come here to "save" others from their awakening experiences to open their HIGHER HEARTS and HIGHER MINDS/HIGHER SELVES access so that they can choose to transition from old earth to NEW too. We came here to OPEN PORTALS/GATEWAYS and to walk through them, leaving them open for those who are ready to do this too and to understand when one is not ready yet, that they allow their human ego to continue command until they have EXPERIENCED ENOUGH to shift/expand their consciousness too..... Part of our Service here is to ALLOW EACH THEIR CHOSEN PATHS and to provide the re-education through our own experiences for any who desire to utilize/apply this knowledge to IN-JOY a much higher timeline too..... We do not have to suffer to do this... as that was the old way too, yet the human (ego) aspect would prefer this, as they do not like being the only one suffering, as misery loves company, yet that's not why we are here. Suffering is an inner program that plays out in the outside to bring the inner suffering up/out so that it can cleanse/clear each's cellular memory body, so that suffering is no longer each's unconscious choice to continue to experience...... 

Human aspects have no capability to understand, to perceive our NEW EARTH REALITIES, because they are still trying to apply old programming, linear constructs to what is not linear.... it's VIBRATIONAL, it's all ENERGETIC.... and holographic access is returned as each opens their heart and releases the RESISTANCE inside that kept each unconscious before. Where the resistance is strong, then physical realities may occur, to assist with the dissolving/breaking down of the constructs of this energy..... so that higher consciousness can enter in/be accessed from within.

These increasing CME's/SOULar flares do many things.... they are when each's SOUL Consciousness is activated exponentially for further expansion to occur, activating HIGHER DIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS DNA to awaken and for re-calibration of one's FIELD and Body to occur. They activate HIGH PHOTONS/PHOTONIC LIGHT, which gives each the ability to access higher dimensions faster/stronger/more, taking the human/earthly body weak, until full integration, re-coding & re-calibration processes can complete.... which can take hours/days/weeks/months, on & off for years until each acclimates to the FREQUENCY OF THEIR OWN SOUL and higher dimensional/multi-dimensional existence here. 

These increasing CME's & SOULar flares serve many purposes, with another being that they INTERRUPT the lower frequencies that "held" each in a state of unconsciousness, when agreeing to enter the UNCONSCIOUS REALMS (3rd/4th Dimensions) of Amnesia, where total disconnect from SOURCE/CREATOR/GOD/GALACTIC Consciousness occurred. This disconnect now diminishes with each BLAST that disrupts "lower earth's" bandwidths/signals that held the old Matrix in place.... this was agreed to by each of us and each EXISTS when it is their time (which is now for all still experiencing this), with the forerunners exiting "first" to guide/lead/provide the information for those who don't have full access yet. Yet, this information has been disseminated over "time" to prepare each for this now. Each human aspect has been provided with a ridiculous amount of knowledge and tools for "this time now", yet they did not want to listen/hear/know/understand..... and until "something occurs" to open their heart/mind enough, these tools and this knowledge won't do them any good, because they fight/judge/ignore/refuse, until all of that ENERGY IS GONE.... and then it will be important and it will be there waiting for them, inside or out. Outside is for the one who has not gone inside to hear/listen/see yet. This being an evolutionary process, the body has to evolve as well.... from Carbon Based to Plasma Crystalline, each experience to release this resistance/judgment/fight will assist with this, until one chooses a whole new existence and higher service as a new way of BEing here.... 

These "frequency interruptions" are liken to the movie "They Live", where Roddy Piper accidentally stumbled upon a pair of sunglasses to give him the vision "see" what was not visible, which was mind-blowing, confusing and terrifying at first... yet instead of Sunglasses, our pineal gland does this for us and the crystals in our eyes/brain/body, as this clarity brings forth each's new awareness that things are not as we thought they were. As Star BEings/Souls, WE all AGREED to participate/play in the human experience/experiment until it was time for our human to wake up (as SOULs, Higher Selves, Universes and Galaxies/Galactics here). Our awakening gives us access to see FROM these other dimensions, a multitude of realities, which is confusing at first and REALity is challenged in every way. As we sleep, as the fog/veils/amnesia lifts, clarity starts to come through, yet still limited for awhile, because we are unable to grasp the magnitude of how all came to be, all that we agreed to, all that we held in our dense physical bodies, all that needs to be done.... yet as our HIGHEST SELVES.... 

WE are the ones that must reconnect to WE CONSCIOUSNESS again, a Unified Existence through the Purity of our Souls and transcend ALL EGO/SEPARATION PROGRAMS that we held/hold inside. These run DEEP into our Core, deep within our cellular body and takes everything we've got to maintain these highest states, no matter what goes on around us "out there", for us to not succumb to old programming again. We have to get okay with being the "bad guy" for awhile, for dualistic humans need a bad guy to blame/focus on and we don't mind being the one that re-educates through highest consciousness and holds the NEW in place... for awhile.... yet this is shifting too.

This NEW ZERO POINT RANGE that activated with the 8/21 Eclipse affected many things for us all. It's taken a whole month to anchor these codes within our templates as well. Establishing a new Zero Point Field Range has a profound affect on REALITIES for us all. This new VERSION further "separates" each into their own Universe Galactically, more than ever before. It now places the RESPONSIBILITY FURTHER ON EACH for what they are CREATING from Individual Zero Points in order to experience here. Intentional Conscious Creation/Creators operating as PURE SOURCE ENERGY hold higher timelines WHILE creating/transmitting that which is highest aligned at all times. These realities created bring forth MORE EASE and SIMPLICITY and identification of that which is not aligned is now faster/instant, which then effects the 2nd point: Zero Tolerance for Unconscious Programs. This Zero Tolerance gives each the RESPONSE---ABILITY once re-educating/lovingly communicating what is fully aligned/conscious and what is not, what is acceptable behavior (unity) and what is not (duality) to immediately COLLAPSE A TIMELINE without any further anything needing to occur. Timeline closed out/done... which will cause the unconscious human aspect to be left with their head-reality spinning, confused and often in victim mode until all of that "I'm a victim" (dis-empowered "blame" energy) is gone.... 

When the ego dissolves, the higher heart/mind will fully open. When all of the victim energy is gone, the story will end. Done. It is that simple..... 

This new Zero Point Field Range is more expansive than ever before. The higher the state of full consciousness (Super Consciousness), the more expansive one's field, the more aligned realities are, the easier the physical reality is. Human aligned (unconscious) realities are now re-aligning at an exponential rate, because of the VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES of Living Earth Gaia & the Living Cosmos constantly re-aligning, re-calibrating, re-coding and re-structuring now to bring all online with NEW EARTH NOW. The more unconscious, the more physical everything is.... as EACH intentionally integrates their Multi-Dimensional SOUL BODY with their physical body form, the more this transitions to QUANTUM ENERGETIC REALITIES, where the physical takes on new meaning and is finally understood. The old limited/mis-perceptions dissolve as limits go, judgments go, resistance goes and each EMBODIES their own PUREST FORM here. APPLYING HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS to every part of our lives is HOW things become easier for us all. There is no struggle as your highest aspects, only as your lower ones, which is up to you to see and choose, where you come from, which dictates your own physical reality experiences here.

INTENTIONAL GATEKEEPERS & GRIDKEEPERS: This is not a glamorous "job", is thankless by most and does not conform to what any human "thinks" we are here to be/do. It's beyond challenging at first to anchor NEW EARTH CODES into our body template/grids and hold them above all. We had to let go of our "old life" to embrace an unknown one for awhile and just know how important what we are/have been doing for all of HUmanity this all is/was/still is. The human hears these words (Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper) and perceives something very different than "how this really is". There is much judgment (and anger) by others.... you'll have to learn how to deal with your own perceptions/judgments if you are to DO this without allowing unconscious beliefs to dictate your own. Your own Dedication to Service & HUmanity will look nothing like you "thought". You will sleep when your body says to sleep, you will cut out all that no longer supports, you will change what is important constantly and your realities will shift without notice, as you "learn" to embody Heaven and release the Hell Versions that you held within your own body templates, cellular programming and co-joined fields.... as you untangle, dismantle, dissolve and collapse the "old" yourself in order to fulfill your highest purposes/missions here too. You'll be angry from time to time and ready to leave this planet, get off the ride, be done. Be patient, as it's all a part of the process. There are THICK heavy veils that were in place, that dissolve faster as you sleep/constantly clear your FIELD, surrounding yourself with nature & highest vibrational everything, so that you can maintain your highest states of consciousness here. Sometimes around others who function from this place too, other times alone, to replenish/regenerate/re-calibrate without disruptions/distortions in your field, so that your body can re-tune/re-code/re-everything easier for you. You may/will experience much resistance and judgment along the way. Open hearts/minds with "thick skin" are necessary for you to weather these Tsunamis of Wave after Wave of Highest Light Consciousness that floods our Living Earth's Atmosphere and planetary bodies now..... Maintain your connection, maintain your ground, maintain your stability from within first and the rest will be easy. If you find yourself overwhelmed, then pull away and MAKE TIME for yourself. It takes longer now to stabilize these immense codes, so release comparison/judgment on "how" you are supposed to do this.... you will KNOW... honor this and let everyone else figure their own realities out.

For those experiencing STRONG PHYSICAL REALITIES... these have purposes that are not visible to human aspects. Everything is to open our hearts & minds and bring forth compassion, caring, consideration, unity and a profound deep respect for ourselves and each other. Where you lack this within yourself, it will play out in your physical reality for you to experience/see/learn/understand.... Integrity is your own, honor is your own, loving respect is your own, constructs are your own, limits are your own, judgment is your own, lack in every way is your own... and everything occurs to SHOW YOU WHAT DIVERSITY or UNITY IS..... and where you come from, where you operate from, where you are not ready yet....

NEW Earth is nothing like your old.... It takes "work" to open the portals/gateways and to continually evolve, continually anchor highest consciousnesses realities here, continually identify & resolve old programming, continually challenge your human'ness, continually hold the NEW, continually embrace and integrate and shift vibrationally as is appropriate. Every time we go through a massive UPSHIFT in COSMIC UPGRADES, we have to re-acclimate with our bodies & fields again. This last time took all month to complete and now we move into our next phases, dependent on what we are all shown/see and it's up to each one of us to be ready and "do" what we are shown/see, without making excuses, as our human will do this until there's no other option.... we just "do it".... 

Start ACTIVATING Unity Consciousness intentionally from inside of you.... Connect with WE CONSCIOUSNESS and transition out of "I" consciousness of separation & duality, which has a "rougher ride". For awhile, when you are getting yourself out there, as your Universe You, you will be the "only one in your UNIVERSE", yet this must eventually dissolve too. After your LightBody has come online, you will have tons of energy and the need to be seen, the need to be visible, share your gifts, shine your light, laying the FOUNDATION for your NEW REALities and then....

Your Crystalline/Christed Consciousness LightBody will activate to come online, and you will transition out of "it's all about me" and your individual "I AM" presence into "WE", where there is not "they" "out there" anymore. You will become "they" and be fully responsible for all. You become those Galactics/Highest Aspects, you become the Team, you've accomplished your 12 Dimensional Aspects (and mastering each physical reality too) and this 13th Dimension holds a much higher frequency than anything you've ever FELT or EXPERIENCED, where you start to finally REALIZE that nothing happens until you actually step up to DO it, and this is what activates your "new" realities to come forth. The "waiting" for anything to happen is very different, as all is vibrational here (not like procrastination/fear realities were). You "do" and you keep doing/being that vibration in everything that you ARE and you know that that vibration will materialize for you as you achieve this within you now. You no longer fear anything, because you finally SEE and UNDERSTAND how all is CREATED TO BE..... you now see WHY we have to come together here, because we are all a part of the BIGGER PICTURE/GREATER DIVINE PLAN, that takes us all being on-board now....

We are here to do this together, unite, support... be the contributors, be the ones that Show the Way by BEING our highest everything here. Where we are no longer suffering, and this is often resented by those who still are. We had to get okay with this a long time ago. We opened the portals and each can step through anytime they are ready too. They are still open. We just don't need to stand there and hold them anymore.... we left them and went on to open more portals, continually.... which is what a WayShower/Gatekeeper does. 

This entire year has been stepping back to allow each to play their own unconscious timelines out until they are ready to come on-board fully too, we are limited by what we can accomplish here for these next phases until each anchors these highest timelines too and steps forth as is encoded and stops trying to straddle Old Earth and NEW. These timeline shifts are taking care of this for each and these next 3 months will expedite this substantially for all. Instant convergence means there are no more "breaks" anymore. These influxes create more flux and more exacerbated distortions for any unconscious/old matrix/linear programming still held so that each can SEE them (either energetically or by way of an actual physical experience) in order to CHOOSE to SHIFT to a higher timeline and intentionally close the old ones out for good. 

Intentionally shifting timelines open a gateway for your much easier realities to materialize for you.... 

Those of us who came here to "lead" HUmanity back to full consciousness again, are working in a multitude of ways, only visible by what we share on a regular basis, the rest unseen and often unsupported by those who "are not ready yet". We don't sit around waiting for others, we honor what we are shown to do/accomplish here. The higher we go vibrationally, the easier the physical is, yet the more balance we must maintain, through managing and maneuvering a multitude of realities, both in the physical and holographically..... We are working heavily in our sleep state, with others, teaching, re-educating, building the new, while holding a multitude of physical realities in place as well. Our physical body templates constantly upgrading to hold the encodments, schematics and "plans" for our new Civilizations, as all is re-vamped, it takes more dedicated time to our bodies and own physical realities now than ever before. Just because you don't see us or hear from us, doesn't mean we have taken a break or stopped, it just means that our next phases take precedence over holding each's hand through these initiatory phases that each are always in. These years of providing the information of "what is coming" is available in our work, our sharings and how to weather, master, maneuver is too. You have to actually do the work, apply this, choose it.... only you can.... Many of us have completed the "job" of making the information available "daily" to bring through the awareness and focus of what's important and the "how". It's energetic though, so if you are going to look for someone to tell you what to do, you will not find that here. That was the old linear way. We provide the ENERGETIC SUPPORT, the activations, the knowledge.... and you have to actually utilize it, read it, absorb it, integrate it for it to easier assist you in your walking state.....

For me, you will see me continue to step back, as now it's up to EACH timeline to play itself out, for each to choose to shift timelines vibrationally, for each to apply HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS to their own every-moment now. In my own stepping back, I am re-focusing on the things that I am now shown/see to accomplish/do, which encompass a multitude of realities in different ways, some visible in the physical, most not, as it has always been, for each has only seen what we've shared, which is just a tiny portion of how multi-dimensional realities work. Much has to happen/occur for these next phases to anchor in. Many must step forth/step up and unite before we can accomplish these higher timelines, which means much must dissolve/collapse still. As unification occurs for each INSIDE, then the bigger picture opens up. The roles we came here to play become apparent, yet each must "get over" their own human'ness to be ready to truly come together in all new ways. This coming together is beyond beautiful and long awaited, yet it takes much synchronizing for realities to function cohesively and with great ease, as all must be fully conscious for this to occur. The amount of energy it takes to work through unconscious programming is immense. We INVEST ourselves in each other, our new realities, and all that we have too. This is not taken lightly, so when others are not ready yet, this screams loudly/blatantly, so that we can choose to close the timeline out. Where one leads with lack of deep respect, integrity, love, consideration or self-serving agendas... then the timeline is closed out before it ever starts. WE have to reverse-field-spin the polarity ourselves if we desire continued exquisiteness. There's not enough SPACE for old timelines and new anymore..... There used to be... that option is gone as well.

Only NEW is what we anchored in with our new Zero Point Field Range Integration... Unconscious is visible as instantly as we are ready to see, and where this is immediate, so is the ability to shift out of one timeline and into a whole new one, fully conscious and BREATHING COSMIC BREATH through everything.

Here we maintain Cosmic Alignment at all times. This last month we had many activations... a whole new KA & Breath of Life was breathed through us, Gaia and our Universe/Galaxies to unify all as one, on a whole new level..... This COSMIC BREATH now breathes through all at simultaneously with a FORCE like never before. This breathe is a Unified Love, Unity Consciousness that is POWER FROM OUR CORE, that no longer tolerates unconsciousness as an excuse..... which means that every reality shall align "faster" and with this HIGHER LIFE FORCE pulsing through our veins as more electrically stimulating energy activates to awaken every BODY now..... 

This communicative breath breathes life where dormancy appeared, it awakens the sleeping giants, pulsing, shaking, shocking, activating and stimulating like never before. All that was buried, dormant, asleep, all that was unconscious becomes fully visible for each. Each's mind must be blown and heart bursting wide open at first, sanity challenged, as distortions amplify so that the hold of the unconscious programs can dissolve.....

This LIVING BREATH moves through everything now.... the Kundalini Fire awakened within all. Burning away for new birth to occur, for all to rise from the ashes (Phoenix Energy) to be re-born anew (Christed). Every reality is REPRESENTATIVE.... it's to show each what is going on inside. The outer chaos reflects the inner chaos, the outer peace reflects the inner peace, the outer everything reflective of what needs attention/resolving from inside for the outside to shift.... for your eyes see what you believe, they show you what you fear, they show you your own empowered/dis-empowered state, your own caring/consideration/respect, your own inner-connection or disconnected state.... That external reality is your materialized everything, and as PURITY, LOVE and UNITY BECOME where you function from, how you live your life, how you make your decisions, how to treat each other (kindness), then this reflects back to you..... 

The old realities are strong and you must break the energy yourself, dissolve the energy/program and choose to write a whole new program to take it's place, one that's of your highest SOUL and Universal Alignment instead of your old human one. You will not understand the difference until there is more than ONE OF YOU inside of your body and you are choosing which one "runs the show".... where you allow your human to lead, then your human reality will prevail. Where you ARE your Higher Self, then you will see your human programs playing out within you and out there and you will get to choose to stop these IMMEDIATELY.... or let them play out as long as they need to for you to finally become fully conscious and "learn" to intentionally shift all yourself. 

You can continue to blame everything or you can take your power back and choose. You can keep one foot (or your whole body) in the old matrix until all of this energy/programming is broken down or you can identify it and break it down/dissolve it/reprogram it yourself. Having awareness of a matrix is just one part of the equation. Awareness is not enough. What you do with this awareness... this is what matters. One is a fully conscious choice and the other is unconscious still. Your fully conscious choice will be you choosing to leave the matrix instead of holding onto it out of fear. 

On the other side of the Veils, there is a much higher existence that is amazing, beautiful, exquisite and not suffering or experiencing any lack at all. The way you get there is by embracing and choosing to dissolve these veils that you held inside of you yourself. It will challenge everything human/ego about you, which is the whole point. It's not going to be comfortable for your human, as it's not supposed to be, yet on a Soul Level, you will know... and this is what it takes for each to transition to the NEW/UNKNOWN from the safe/known/old..... the "unknown" is only unknown to your human ego aspect, as it doesn't have the ability to see or understand. Only your highest aspect of you has this access and it's up to you to maintain this AT ALL TIMES, no matter what.... it's got to be your own priority... as your whole physical reality does depend on this..... for the physical is a culmination point of your unconscious/consciousness..... when you are fully conscious, then you see your own unconsciousness and the reflections of this playing in the extended virtual reality as well. When you are unconscious, then your emotions and limited beliefs run the show, which play out in your physical for you... and you cannot see/hear/understand until you STOP and open your heart/mind/energy fully again and learn to respect/trust what is not yet visible, yet it can be felt and heard.... if you will listen with all of you.... ♥

This large-scale restructuring has just begun and shall continue to increase. Focus your energy on stabilizing constantly and integrating, so that your physical can realign easier for you. If you allow your fears and mind to take control, then you will short out, overwhelm and overload (which also needs to occur for molecular breakdown/restructuring to occur). How you experience this can be by choice (honoring your body/you) or waiting until you cannot do anything and your body overrides your human mind or both/all deplete, because you are not conscious of what you are doing with your energy....  Respect your energy, respect the energy of others.... Higher Dimensional Timeline existence is respect, lots of space and honoring all fully from within. 

I will share more as we go.... StarGates are finally activating and synchronizing, as we now close this gateway out and now move into the next. This is now focused on these next 3 months and the power that comes from these immense REALity shifting experiences, as we all move into our next phases of purposes/missions here. We are focused on what we are anchoring/integrating and unifying all new much higher timelines here, while the old ones wither out and die.... playing out as long as each one allows this/needs this/holds any unconscious programmed energy still.....

Your higher timelines are simple, easy and do not involve chaos, conflict or strife..... when you are ready to release these from within you, then out there will re-structure accordingly for you.... All that anger, all that judgment, all that pain, blame, shame, guilt, "have to" energy dissolves... as you become conscious... you realize it no longer serves you and you do not need/have to keep experiencing this as you are ready to open up fully and expand your perceptions to that of your own SOUL's presence.... Those "lower vibrational emotions" are fueled by your own mentalities and beliefs and these keep you held to a reality that you once believed.... as you are ready to no longer believe them, then freer, more awesome realities can emerge to take their place. You will be faced with choosing, all along the way, as where you still are "human", you'll have to choose what you believe.... what your limited ego says or what you know inside, without any proof at all.... as your proof comes as you open up to trust/reconnect again.... 

This COLLECTIVE TIMELINE SPLIT that has occurred (and yes it has), is one of those who are intentionally unifying/coming together without the duality limits like before, those able to maintain a Christed/Crystalline/Unity Consciousness/Pure Source Creator Consciousness State, while allowing all to play their current timelines out now..... This split is definitive in a way that is only visible if each goes inward to see where to focus their energy now, focus their resources, focus their attentions... You will see those "fighting" the old still, which is held within their physical body matrix, which is a part of returning to power within and when the mind-blowing realities have opened the heart/mind enough for the higher heart chamber and higher mind chamber and pineal gland to open up enough for higher vision to be achieved/restored, then each will choose to transition out of the old earth matrix to connect up fully with the Crystalline Matrix of NEW Earth. These realities are polar opposites.... 

Human aspects beneath the veils are experiencing high magnitude blasting to their realities, as the important SOULar/Cosmic frequency disruptions are necessary to disrupt the frequency bandwidths of unconsciousness..... During these disruptions, our electronics (and all Earthly Bodies) are affected too. This is a part of the process, be patient. Honor your body and the down-time necessary for re-everything to occur. These disruptions are literally interrupting the frequency transmissions of unconsciousness and are necessary to awaken the masses (at first to shaking their head/confusion), where they wipe their eyes of the old illusions and are shocked awake, scurry in fear and other emotional responses that "seem" unconscious (yes they are, yet they are important as well). These initial emotional responses will dissipate, turn into another emotion, until that one is dissolved, then into another.... until all "victim" emotions are gone, which is when the heart will open fully, so that their higher consciousness can activate too. Be patient, supportive, yet focus on you, what you are doing, being, allowing, creating and how you are uniting on the dimensional plane you are currently residing on..... 

There will be many human bodies dying as those Souls complete their missions here. They return to the Unified Field as Love, not in lack or need, so any emotions each experiences is their own "healing"/wholing that needs to occur. The human body was the "host" body for the Soul. Humans are unable to understand this, as they attach to the human form, instead of connecting with the Soul that is infinite and never bound to the body.... It just occupied that body for awhile.... Human bodies that are meant to experience Physical Body Ascension require that the Soul (Light) be able to fully integrate with the entire body structure, systems and re-code/re-tune/re-configure the whole body differently, which is what multi-dimensionals experience. When the body cannot integrate the Soul Body, then the body will shut down. The Breath of Life/KA will deplete and that body's electromagnetic system will go offline permanently.... Which is what physical death is. For each "transitioning" with their physical body, this depletion will occur often and many times for full body ascension to occur. As long as there is one Breath of Life still existent, the body will maintain and experience a re-boot necessary for a body-template upgrade/re-write to occur. This is a continual process until the full template has been restored to ORIGINAL TEMPLATE and distorted codes have been overwritten with all new. This occurs naturally with the activation of our Crystalline/Christed/Universal Body DNA. Our human aspect does not have the capability to understand any of this and will try to understand all according to limited old programs & beliefs. Only one's Higher Self/Soul understands this, so it's important to connect with this aspect of yourself when you experience any body things as a part of your physical body evolution here. Take care in the beliefs you hold and those of limited/old beliefs too. When you open up to asking others, make sure they support your highest understanding, instead of an old fear-based one. It's easy for our human to give our power away. You don't want to shift giving your power away from one thing to another. You want to reconnect to your own inner power and utilize everything to support this. ♥

There's tons more, there always is. I'll return/write as is appropriate. We are doing what we need to do for these next phases, while everyone resolves old programs/separation in order to join together by contributing in the ways that are most appropriate and beneficial to the whole. Sometimes what is most beneficial is what others do not yet see until they are ready too....♥

I love you. Keep shining your light, keep generating awesomeness, experiencing the magnificence available in every moment, supporting how you are called to support, contribute how you are called to contribute and holding the encodments for our highest timelines so that as our fields connect we can come together to accomplish the vastness our all of our next phases.... ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Avatar Consciousness Embodiment, Higher Consciousness KeyCode Holder, Galactic Overseer, Guardian and Conscious Contributor for Our NEW Earth